Oh and what a mess!!
This was the general reaction yesterday as we started to "toilet train" dhriti...
We have to take the trouble of taking her to the loo every 1 hour (without fail) and ask her to pee...This actually works fine till the time we forget about it.
And add to that the fact that Dhriti has become kind of averse to diapers, you can get her to wear a diaper ONLY when she is sleeping...
At times I am like...why she behaves as if she is SOOOOOO intelligent,why cant she be so good at this also...Why does she have to take more than 1 day???
Goddddddd.....grant me some patience...and on top of this aunty (she looks after Dhriti and is doing most of the work actually!!) tells me every other kid of Dhriti's age is already toilet trained...Why....why...why compare???